4.7/5.0 3000+ ratings | Postage free from CHF 40.- | Shipping usually within 24h | 10% discount on goods from CHF 100.-
4.7/5.0 3000+ ratings | Postage free from CHF 40.- | Shipping usually within 24h | 10% discount on goods from CHF 100.-
Super fine and healthy, the Cold Matcha Latte combines the intense taste of high-quality matcha with the creamy texture of a latte. The addition of fresh fruit gives the drink a fruity note that is perfect for hot summer days.
Dégustez ce vin chaud aromatique par une froide journée d'hiver - il vous réchauffera merveilleusement et vous mettra dans l'ambiance de Noël.
Portofrei ab CHF 40.- | Versand i.d.R. innerhalb 24h | 10% Rabatt in Waren ab CHF 100.-