London Tea - 125 years of tea culture

Official foundation 1896 in London and Basel

On June 23, 1896, LONDON TEA COMPANY LTD was founded in London by two Swiss and five Englishmen. The headquarters were located in an imposing building at 9 + 10 Great Tower Street in the City of London. Shortly after, the main branch opened its doors in Basel. The successful business performance soon enabled the opening of other branches in Munich and in St. Louis in Alsace.

According to oral tradition, the tea trade under the name LONDON TEA had already begun more than 10 years earlier.

Headquarters in Basel since 1896

On August 6, 1896, the registered office of LONDON TEA was entered in the Commercial Register of Basel-Stadt. As a result of the 1st World War, the Basel branch became an independent company on September 16, 1915, with headquarters at Petersgraben 20. A short time later, the company moved to the corner property Petersgraben 67/Rosshofgasse 8. It was the former administrator's and servant's house of the "ROSSHOF", which now served the LONDON TEA COMPANY LTD as store, office, packing and storage space. At that time the tea assortment consisted of 12 different blends, teas from China, Ceylon and India. Even then, the principle was to import only the best quality tea directly from the plantation. Martha and Hans Iten - direct ancestors of today's owner family - contributed with care and skill to the prosperity of the tea house.

Der Teebeutel entsteht

Kaum zu glauben in der heutigen industrialisierten Welt, wie einfach und bescheiden damals gearbeitet wurde. In Handarbeit wurden die Tees gemischt und auch die Verpackungen wurden grösstenteils noch selbst mit gekochtem Kleister aus Fischmehl hergestellt. Nach dem 2. Weltkrieg, als langsam die Hochkonjunktur anzulaufen begann, stellten sich viele Änderungen ein. Mit einiger Skepsis wagte man sich an die Fabrikation der ersten Teebeutel, respektive Teekapseln. Versuchsweise vorerst in mühevoller Handarbeit und unter Beihilfe selbstkonstruierter Abfüll- und Verschweissmaschinen. Erst nach einigen Jahren, stellte man auf vollautomatische Maschinen um. Seither ist der Teebeutel aus der modernen Zeit nicht mehr wegzudenken.

Move to Münchenstein

A major fire in 1955 on the Nadelberg, which also affected parts of the Rosshof, meant that the entire Rosshof, with the exception of the manor house, had to be demolished. The LONDON TEA store was then moved to Spalenberg 26. The administration, warehouse and shipping department moved into the new building on Reinacherstrasse in Münchenstein.

Unsere Tee-Philosophie

Gute Tee-Qualität verdient

- Schutz vor Licht
- Schutz vor Fremdgerüchen
- Schutz vor Feuchtigkeit
- Hygieneschutz

Deshalb werden sämtliche Teesorten der London Tea seit jeher nur in speziellen Aroma- und Lichtschutzpackungen angeboten.

Wir achten sehr darauf, dass wir Jahrgangstee anbieten
und verwöhnen Sie so, mit der frischesten Ernte.

Alle Sorten sind, wenn immer möglich aus Bio-Produktion und finden erst nach einer strengen Rückstandsanalyse,
den Weg in unsere Packungen.

It is hard to believe in today's industrialized world how simple and modest the work was back then. The teas were mixed by hand and even the packaging was mostly made by hand with boiled paste made from fishmeal. After the 2nd World War, when the boom slowly began, many changes took place. With some skepticism, the first tea bags or tea capsules were produced. At first, this was done laboriously by hand and with the help of self-designed filling and sealing machines. Only after a few years did the company switch to fully automatic machines. Since then, the tea bag has become an indispensable part of modern life.

Tee Huus Basel

To this day, it is impossible to imagine LONDON TEA's Tee Huus Basel on Spalenberg without it. Tea connoisseurs will find the most extensive range of black tea, oolong, Pu Er, green tea, white tea, yellow tea, rooibos, herbal and fruit tea. In addition, all accessories for the fine tea enjoyment. The many original gift packages are particularly popular. Our friendly sales assistants are always ready to give expert advice to tea lovers and are happy to pass on many a good tip for delicious tea enjoyment.

Tea manufactory and store

When planning the tea factory in Münchenstein near Basel in 1955, the Bisang family wanted the building facade to resemble a tea factory in the highlands of Ceylon. At that time, the building basically had three floors and a converted attic. All the packaging material was stored under the roof. On the second floor was the packaging department and office space. On the first floor was the tea warehouse with the mixing rooms and a small sales store. And in the basement all the tea accessories and crockery were stored.

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